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The Illuminati is an Elite Organization of World Leaders, Business Authorities, Innovators, Artists and Other Influential Members of this Planet. Our Coalition Unites Influencers of all political, Religious, and Geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the Human Species as a whole.

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a brief introduction

The illuminati is an Elite Organization of World Leaders, Business Authorities, Innovators, Artists, and other Influential members of this planet. Our coalition uintes influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.


The Illuminati Talisman

Strikingly unique, the Illuminati Talisman is a symbol of humanity’s Supreme purpose. Elite individuals of all types wear the Talisman as a mark of prestige and a global unity of the human species.

Money is not the ROOT of all EVIL, Money is the ROUTE to all FREEDOM

We Are Always Watching Out For You

Every human is one part of a larger Eternal design – Individuals gears in a clock that has no end.

Follow The LIGHT



Born on February 6, 1748, he was fatherless at the age of five. Baron Johann Adam Von Ickstatt (de) (1702-1776) the pupil, sent him to the Jesuit college of Ingolstadt in 1755, where his predipositions quickly made him a brilliant and promising pupil. Showing quite early on a pronounced taste for classical authors, it is the vision of some of them (in particular Cicero), as conveyed by the Jesuits, that Weishaupt will subsequently reject. At the age of fifteen, he began his academic studies (jurisprudence, political science, history and philosophy). Ickstatt, who is professor and director of the University of Ingolstadt, allows him to consult the books banned by theological censorship. There he discovered the French philosophers of the Enlightenment.

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